
This module provides the file system driver map modifier class net.java.truevfs.driver.odf.OdfDriverMapModifier which provides the following file system driver mappings:

URI Schemes / Archive File Extensions File System Driver Class
odt, ott, odg, otg, odp, otp, ods, ots, odc, otc, odi, oti, odf, otf, odm, oth, odb net.java.truevfs.driver.odf.OdfDriver

Add the JAR artifact of this module to the run time class path to make its file system drivers available for service location in the client API module. The URI schemes will then get recognized as default archive file extensions by the class net.java.truevfs.access.TArchiveDetector.

Key Features

This driver provides read/write access to the Open Document Format (ODF). ODF files are ZIP files with a distinct directory layout, similar to JAR files. ODF files need to start with an entry named mimetype. To make sure this is the case, the drivers in this module will buffer any other entry to a temp file until the mimetype entry has been written. So for best performance, make sure to write the mimetype entry first when creating an ODF file.