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TrueVFS 0.12.0

@Nonnull @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault


Provides a file system driver for accessing the RAES encrypted ZIP file format, alias ZIP.RAES or TZP.

See: Description

Package Description

Provides a file system driver for accessing the RAES encrypted ZIP file format, alias ZIP.RAES or TZP. ZIP.RAES files are regular ZIP files which use UTF-8 as their character set (like JARs) and have been wrapped in a RAES file format envelope. The RAES File Format enables transparent, random access to AES encrypted data (the payload) in the file as if the application were reading decrypted data from a RandomAccessFile. Note that RAES is not specific to ZIP files - any kind of content may get encrypted.
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TrueVFS 0.12.0

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