@Documented @Inherited @Retention(value=SOURCE) @Target(value={CONSTRUCTOR,METHOD}) public @interface FsAssertion
As of TrueVFS 0.10, application level transactions are not supported, that is, multiple file system operations cannot get composed into a single application level transaction - support for this feature may be added in a future version.
However, individual file system operations do come with assertions about
their atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability - see
Modifier and Type | Optional Element and Description |
FsAssertion.Level |
Does the operation always either completely succeed or
completely fail?
FsAssertion.Level |
If the VFS has been in a consistent state when the operation starts,
then does it always leave the VFS in a consistent state, too?
FsAssertion.Level |
If the operation has written any data, then is the change
always persisted to the top-level file system?
FsAssertion.Level |
Is it always impossible for other threads to see the effects
of any intermediate steps of the operation?
public abstract FsAssertion.Level atomic
public abstract FsAssertion.Level consistent
public abstract FsAssertion.Level durable
public abstract FsAssertion.Level isolated
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